DIY: Painting Mason Jars

Hola, bloggers. Today I'm here to bring you a quick and easy DIY project:

Painted Mason Jars!

Mason Jars - $1 to $3 depending on size (Sam's and Walmart has the best price on these)
Desired color of Spray Paint - $5
Spare cardboard to paint on

Step 1: 
Lay out cardboard and any additional paper to protect the surface underneath where you will be painting

Step 2:
Using multiple light coats to prevent dripping, spray each mason jar with the desired color. Let dry (overnight is best).

Pro tip: Make sure you use the paint in a well ventilated, room temperature environment. Cold and Spray paint do not mix. My hubby was kind enough to provide a heated garage for this project.

Voila! you have some beautiful, painted jars.
I got a little over-zealous with some of my layers so I had some dripping. Due to exhaustion and general lack of caring, I let the drips be. If they're bothering you, use a fine-grit sandpaper to sand the drips down and spray another light coat of paint.

For the finish, it's really your preference. My favorite was the chalky finish (see: blue jars), but they all looked nice.

You could also sand on top of the wording for a more vintage look!

I added looped twine at the top for these to use as hangers in our wedding aisle. They turned out great! The jars would also make fantastic Fall, Winter, or Christmas decorations around your house. The possibilities are endless!

Hope you enjoyed this simple project, folks. 

Stay excellent. 


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