DIY Must-Have Supplies

Hey there, bloggers! Today I'm bringing you a post directed specifically at newbies who want to try out crafting but have no idea what they're doing.

You could learn this all by trial and error (and a lot of wasted cash), or you could take my advice and simply stock up on the essentials.

Let's get to it.

First up, the glue that holds everything together. Literally.
Image: Amazon
This particular gun is $4.60 on Amazon, but I know you can get them cheaper at Hobby Lobby (40% off coupon, folks) or Walmart.

Me? I have an awesome husband who got me an equally awesome cordless Ryobi glue gun because that's how I roll. This is craft dorkiness at its finest.
Photo: Amazon

You will also want to stock up on glue sticks as you will go through them like antacids after eating Taco Bell.

Image: Amazon
Mod Podge is a thing of beauty. It's basically a fancy version of Elmer's glue, with more magical powers. I have posted several projects involving Mod Podge on my other blog, mainly using it as a protective clear coat.

It's cheap, it lasts forever and it's versatile! This particular bottle is $7.20 on Amazon. I have yet to see it on sale at HL, but you could always use that handy 40% off coupon or take a look at the pricing at Walmart.

Image: Amazon
Superglue will never not come in handy (much like double negatives). Perfect for screw-ups, ultra hold, or breakage caused by a 2-year-old.

This is my favorite bottle because it doesn't continue shelling out hazardous stick-your-fingers-together glue long after you stop squeezing.

This bottle can be bought on Amazon for $12.56 but Walmart is probably a better option.

Photo: Sarah Pflug

I want to emphasize the word "awesome" because you don't want to cheap out with craft scissors. You'll likely be cutting fabric, floral wire and a variety of other things, all of which require sharp cutting.

Anything above $10 is probably a safe bet but if you're feeling crazy you can do research on it. Personally I tend to stray from Scissor research but to each his/her own.

Photo: Matthew Henry

Much like scissors, cardboard is a must-have for crafters. Between spray paint, painting, or using any amount of glitter, cardboard will be your friend.

Best part? It costs you nothing. Save up those Amazon boxes they shipped your other craft supplies in and you're golden! Or if you're desperate, places like Liquor or Grocery stores will gladly give out cardboard to desperate DIY'ers.

Or if you're feeling like a rebel, raid a Recycling can somewhere.

Photo: Amazon
These babies are great! I have a set just like this and use 1 of the blades, but hey, I have the others if I ever figure out what in the world they do.

This set can be bought on Amazon for $6.79 and I've seen them at Hobby Lobby as well as Walmart. The key is to keep the blades sharp, meaning either buying new blades every 3-6 months or figuring out how to sharpen them.

Well there you have it, folks! All of the essentials you need to start your journey as an expert crafter.

Happy crafting!


  1. I don't craft, but I hope to someday, so this is helpful information! I like that you provided places to purchase them from as well as prices.

    1. Thanks, Kiley! It's not for everyone but it can be a really fun hobby if you have the spare time.

  2. This was very helpful. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Exacto knife is definitely a must have!


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